Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Unit 1 Vocabulary & Sources

January 22-30

Although the enslavement of Africans had taken place in the United States for centuries, by the 1850s slavery had become and economic, legal and moral issue that deeply divided America.

This division became more than ideological in 1860, when anti-slavery candidate Abraham Lincoln was elected President, and one by one, Southern states began to secede from the Union.

In 1861, the Civil War began. In this four year conflict, the North fought to keep the South part of the United States, and the South fought for states’ rights to make their own decisions – specifically about slavery.

The decade after the Civil War was known as Reconstruction, and was marked by attempts to reunify the divided nation and disagreements over the fact of newly freed slaves.

Kansas-Nebraska Act
Lincoln-Douglas debates
the Confederate States of America
Emancipation Proclamation
Thirteenth Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
Fifteenth Amendment
Radical Reconstruction
Battle of Gettysburg
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Fugitive Slave Act

Frederick Douglass
John Brown
Stephen Douglas
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Charles Sumner
Thaddeus Stevens
Ulysses S. Grant
William T. Sherman
Jefferson Davis
Robert E. Lee

The Unit 1 Assessment will be an open-notebook, open-source performance assessment. It will take place on Friday, January 30, 2009.

You will read/examine nine of the following primary and secondary sources, and complete a SOAPS with SOAPbox for each. If the document has an asterisk* next to it, answer these questions instead of a SOAPS.

o Senator Robert Toombs Compares Secession with the American Revolution, 1860
o “A Note on the Emancipation Proclamation,” Southern Illustrated News, 1862
o The Emancipation Proclamation, 1863
o James Henry Gooding, an African American Soldier, Pleads for Equal Treatment, 1863
o Tally Simpson, a Confederate Soldier, Recounts the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863
o Gettysburg, Pa. Dead Confederate soldiers in the "slaughter pen" at the foot of Little Round Top, 1863*
o Gettysburg, Pa. Dead Confederate soldiers in "the devil's den," 1863*
o Report on a Bread Riot in Savannah, Georgia, 1864
o Gen. Joseph Wheeler’s Letter to His Men, 1864
o Abraham Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address, 1865
o The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, 1865
o Richmond, Va. Ruined buildings in the burned district, 1865*
o Washington, D.C. President Lincoln's funeral procession on Pennsylvania Avenue, 1865*
o Washington, D.C. Maimed soldiers and others before office of U.S. Christian Commission, 1865*
o Louisiana Black Codes Reinstate Provisions of the Era, 1865
o President Andrew Johnson Denounces Changes in His Program of Reconstruction, 1867 (read paragraphs 16-18)
o Congressman Thaddeus Stevens Demands a Radical Reconstruction, 1867
o “First Black Vote,” Harper’s Weekly, 1867*
o Letter from Calhoun, Georgia Citizens, 1867
o Elizabeth Cady Stanton Questions Abolitionist Support for Female Suffrage, 1868
o The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, 1868
o Henry McNeal Turner, “On the Eligibility of Colored Members to Seats in the Georgia Legislature,” 1868
o The Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, 1870
o Armed White Man's Leaguer and Ku Klux Klan Member Shake Hands a cowed African American Family, 1874*
o Slave Narrative of Lee Guidon, 1936-1938
o The Birth of a Nation, 1915 (this is the actual film!)
o Glory, 1989 (If you watch Glory, answer complete this worksheet instead of a SOAPS)

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