Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Remember the upside down bus? (and other news)

Hey guys!

Remember my friends Daniel and Casey, who came to school with their upside down bus to talk about putting an organic farm on the White House lawn? Some of you have been asking about them. Well, they made the front page of the Washington Post. And you met them. Very cool.

Second, Israel stopped bombing Gaza for three hours this morning, to allow aid shipments to go through. You can read about that here.

Third, if you need another copy of the final exam study guide because you lost yours or messed it up, you're going to have to print it out yourself. Email me at and I'll reply with the study guide attached as a file. Don't forget - 5th period's exam is Friday, 1st and 2nd periods' exams are Monday, and 4th period's exam is Tuesday.

Fourth, a 6 year old kid in Virginia wanted to go to school so badly that he stole his parents' car to get there after missing the bus. I'm not saying you should steal a car to get to school, but little dude is making you look bad.

Finally, I love watching you all get excited about current events and learning. Your faces light up, and it really makes me happy to be your teacher. Keep it up.

Ms. Jolly

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the middle of grading your Unit 7 tests, and can I just say...


    Right now, I've got a pass rate of about 65%, compared to the usual 20%. When you answered constructed response questions - and most of you did - your answers were GOOD. And about 75% of you passed the multiple choice section of the test.

    You complain all the time about how much work you do in class, but ladies and gentlemen - this is the proof. Hard work really does pay off.

